
Hire a consultant who can help you implement NeuroChange strategies with your business, church, or organization

Connect with a NeuroChange Pathway consultant

Implement NeuroChange Strategies to create a safe and high-performing culture

See people grow, be more committed and excel in what they do.

Emotionally Intelligent Organization Consultation

Accelerate each person’s performance in your organization and deepen their trust and commitment

As a leader, it can be frustrating to see the lack of performance and commitment you desire. Hire one of our expert consultants to help you and your leadership team create a culture that inspires people, helps them grow deeply and develop relational skills that lead to greater results and loyalty.

NeuroFaith Body-Driven Church Consultation

Attract new people, retain them, and deepen growth

As a pastor or ministry leader, it can be frustrating to see guests come and go without ever really connecting—or worse, see people come to church for years and never experience change or spiritual growth.
Hire a consultant who can help you implement NeuroChange strategies into your approach to ministry so you can close the back door and help people finally grow and thrive spiritually.

Consultation Fees

Consultant fees range between $1,000 and $5,000 per day plus expenses.

Request information about consultation services

Please send this completed form and we will reach out to you to discuss more details about our consultants and how we can help.