NeuroChange Blog

Defying Gravity: Lessons on Transformation from Wicked and Neuroscience
Since its Broadway debut in 2003, Wicked has become a cultural and economic powerhouse. The original stage production has grossed over $6 billion worldwide, with

Core Character Traits: Focus on the Roots, Not the Fruits
Core Character Traits (CCTs) form the foundation of our personality, influencing our thoughts, choices, and actions. Addressing people’s challenges involves delving deep into the core rather than merely addressing surface-level thoughts and behaviors.

Beyond the Ribbons: Why Christmas Is More Than Just Presents
Let’s explore the deeper meaning behind the generosity of this season and why the true spirit of Christmas extends far beyond the boxes and bows.

Gratitude: Receiving It Shifts Your Life 6 Ways
Gratitude is a powerful force that shapes our lives in profound ways. While we often are told to express our gratitude to others, receiving gratitude

The Evolution Of Empathy: 5 Ways Freudenfreude Builds Stronger Relationships
Freudenfreude and Schadenfreude stem from the human tendency to compare ourselves with others. Freudenfreude is an authentic empathic reaction that deepens interpersonal connections and strengthens relationships.

Expert Tips for Keeping the Peace with Difficult Relatives This Season
Explore seven strategies to navigate challenging family dynamics and create a more peaceful and harmonious holiday experience.

Embrace Imperfection: Aim for an Authentic Thanksgiving
Instead of chasing an unattainable standard, embrace authenticity and shift the focus to the people around you who are imperfectly wonderful.

Would the Reformation Have Had a Different Focus If Martin Luther Had Understood Memory Reconsolidation?
I have recently been reading Eric Metaxas’ book on Martin Luther. He did a brilliant job of detailing much of Martin Luther’s life. Incredibly fascinating

A New Way to Parent Children Who Are Fearful
One of the most challenging situations in parenting is helping your child deal with a fear of something they shouldn’t be afraid of in reality.

NeuroChange and the Woman at the Well
One of our great promises as Christians is that Jesus doesn’t just save us for an eternal future with God but changes us in the

40 One Another Verses in the Bible
More than 40 “one another” verses in Scripture emphasize the importance of being present with people in need, making others feel genuinely seen and understood.

Church is More Than Worship and Preaching!
The essence of the church centers on fostering deep relationships—where Christians minister to one another, rather than solely serving as a venue for worship and preaching.

How to Unmask and Be Your True Self
What happens when our masks become so ingrained we forget who we really are underneath? In this article, we will look at how to unmask and be your true self.

Heal from Trauma: Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories, or RTM
Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories, or RTM, can profoundly heal emotional wounds by revisiting and modifying painful recollections due to neuroplasticity.

“…our similarities are uncanny.”
Scientists call it neural coupling, when two people are engaged in a shared activity or experience. Implications are profound in communication & relationships.

Jesus chose a Road Less Traveled
Christian theology beautifully embodies a central aspect of Christianity—love, compassion, and service towards all, especially those marginalized, vulnerable, and forgotten by society.

Unleashing the Power of Neuroscience: Transforming Your Life
In recent years, neuroscience has made astonishing advancements, unraveling the mysteries of the human brain and offering incredible insights into our cognitive processes, emotions, and

He leads me beside the Waters & Restores my Soul
In her new book called Strong Like Water, Aundi Kolber writes, “… if we spend our lives trying to be “the strong one,” we become

Relationships deliver Customer Service
Delivering outstanding customer service is crucial for building strong relationships with customers and creating a positive reputation for your business. To achieve this, here are

Live, Laugh, and Love – a Life of Wellness and Joy
By approaching our relationships with a spirit of grace and understanding, we can create space for healing and growth.

How Curiosity Can Lead Us out of Our Tribe and into Transformation
When some of you hear the book of John, chapter 3, your mind immediately jumps to John 3:16—what many consider a classic evangelism verse. And

No One Starts Out Great
Whenever trying something new for the first time, we’re not going to be as good at it as we might have hoped. And the reality

Our Mental Nutrients
Of course, everyone knows the importance of taking care of our bodies. However, do you know how to take care of your brain? According to

Everybody’s Got Stuff
Pat Lencioni talks about developing trust and safety on a team. He says that “everyone’s got stuff” and that stuff is a part of who

Navigating the Mad, the Sad, and the Bad
I recently attended a funeral service that included a time to celebrate the life of a family member who had passed while grieving the loss